23.siff.第八部 开始就有一种冲破银幕的原生态力量把我带入了电影之中,虽然电影的技法不多,感觉能一个镜头就不会用第二个角度,苏软软汆肉的日常加上素人演员的自然表演,显得非常有力度有温情,人物丰满,煽情恰当,还有一股仅仅能在西北感受到的猛劲和幽默。
this film doesn't ruin 2001 for me or add anything to it at all either. 2010's become a nonsensical political & fantasy & thriller bullshit with all of its awful presentation. the script is so bad and cringy to the point that it's only disturbing. the environment doesn't feel like space anymore with the whole dozen-people-crew and awful CGIs. the whole narration and presentation are so out of place and laughable; and without Stanley Kubrick's direction, I don't really know the film's point of existence